Handling roles in wealthAPI

Handling roles in wealthAPI

Should I add roles

Typically roles will be assigned by the wealthAPI team.

In case your project setup includes role management, this is how to do it.

Can I list all roles?

No, for security reasons you will not be able to list all available roles. The wealthAPI team will typically communicate the roles required for your project setup to you.

Adding roles via mandator credentials

In order to add a role to a user, use the assign role endpoint with your mandator credentials. To authenticate with mandator credentials you must provide the clientId and clientSecret in the request header using the following header parameters:

X-Mandator-Client-Id X-Mandator-Client-Secret

A request submitted with valid mandator credentials will be able to assign the role.

Deleting roles via mandator credentials

In order to delete a role from a user, use the delete role endpoint with your mandator credentials. Note that the delete endpoint contains a json body containing the delete role params.

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