Category and Subcategory APIs

Category and Subcategory APIs

The categories API allows creating and managing categories and subcategories. Each category may have an arbitrary number of subcategories. The category and subcategory names may be chosen by the respective administrator as fit for your application.

Names of categories and subcategories must be unique respectively.

Subcategories are then assigned to investments and accounts using the /v1/investments and /v1/accounts API.


In order to manage categories you must have role ROLE_MANDATOR_MASTER_DATA_ADMIN. Please contact the wealthAPI team to assign this role to your administrative user of choice.

Managing Categories

Categories are created or edited using the categories API:


Managing Sub-Categories

Subcategories are created or edited using the subcategories API. A subcategory always belongs to a category.


What happens if I delete a category or subcategory?

Categories and subcategories are never “really” deleted. Instead we set the status to deleted. This way investments and accounts having a now deleted record assigned remain valid. This is common master data management practice.

You may re-enable a deleted record by changing its status to active.

How to assign categories to investments

Categories are assigned via the edit investment endpoint; field subCategoryId


How to assign categories to accounts

Categories are assigned via the edit account endpoint; field subCategoryId







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