Sharing portfolios
The “public portfolios” feature allows users to share a portfolio, e.g. for publication on social media or for other demonstration purposes. When sharing, a user may decide if data is shared entirely or in anonymized form. Note that cash-accounts cannot be shared as we consider transaction data too sensitive.
Required license
In order to use this feature, you will need to subscribe to the “public portfolios” add-on.
Defining how data will be shared
The first step in sharing a portfolio is to create a “sharing preference” object. The sharing preference defines user-level sharing settings. In this entity, you will define if you share your vanilla data or only anonymized data.
When anonymized sharing is selected, data will be securely anonymized based on several properties. Hereby, we also ensure that restoring data by a brute-force attack is not possible.
Defining which portfolios will be shared
Defining a sharing preference does define sharing settings, but will not share anything at all. To share a portfolio, this portfolios must be marked as “public” using the visibility
property of the accounts API. By default, all portfolios are marked “private”.
Accessing shared portfolios
Shared portfolios may be accessed using the /api/v1/{publicId}/...
endpoints. You may choose to show all portfolios or only a distinct portfolios using the respective filters. You will find an example for a shared portfolio here: