Multibanking providers: FIN_API and WEALTH_API

Multibanking providers: FIN_API and WEALTH_API

We recently introduced the multibanking provider “WEALTH_API”. This provider identifies banking APIs implemented by wealthAPI (that is: us). In case finAPI and wealthAPI implement interfaces for the same bank, the /v1/banks endpoint now allows filtering for the respective provider by providing the query parameter multibankingProvider.

Important: different endpoints for update and import

Due to the PSD2 restrictions, finAPI banks use an extremely complicated import and update workflow. This workflow is typically handled by our TPP-web-form.

As PSD2 restrictions typically do not apply for NEO-brokerage and other wealth management services, this complicated workflow does not make sense for typical wealthAPI bank connections. We thus decided to set up simplified - but entirely different - endpoints for wealthAPI banks.

Importing and updating

finAPI banks are imported and updated using our API version 1 and 2, prefixed with /api/v1 or /api/v2. Endpoints to import and update banks are all found in /v1/bankConnections/... (API documentation).

wealthAPI banks are imported and updated using our API version 3, prefixed with /api/v3. Endpoints to import and update banks are all found in /v3/wealth_api/bank_connections/... (API documentation).

Should I use the web-form for updates?

Yes - we recommend to use the web-form for manually triggered updates.

Why? Typically a user will have to enter a challenge response if automatic update failed.

A web-form for finAPI and wealthAPI banks can be requested using /v2/tppWebForms (API documentation).

Automatic update for WEALTH_API banks

Automatic background updates for wealthAPI banks are not implemented as of now. This is mainly due to the fact that most banks require 2FA and background sync is thus technically not feasible. We might still enable background sync for some players and will keep you posted.

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